Saki-lang is currently in a very early stage of design and development, with substantial work required before it reaches a mature state. The prototype interpreter and REPL are still under active development, and many features are not yet implemented or fully supported. The language design and syntax are subject to change based on ongoing research and experimentation.
Saki is a dependently-typed, pure functional programming language that supports algebraic subtyping and ad-hoc polymorphism. It prioritizes simplicity in design, using a Scala-inspired syntax while leveraging a type system grounded in Martin-Löf Type Theory. Saki introduces novel features like constraint universes and superposition types, serving as a research platform for exploring advanced type systems and verified program synthesis.
This interactive code playground allows you to write and run Saki code snippets directly in this website. Select a sample program from the dropdown menu or write your own code to experiment with the Saki language.
* This code implements a simple type checker and evaluator for Martin-Löf Type Theory (MLTT).
* MLTT is a constructive type theory foundational to many proof assistants and dependently
* typed programming languages, such as Agda (MLTT) and Coq (CIC).
* In MLTT, types depend on values, leading to a system where functions can accept types
* as parameters and return types as results. Key concepts include:
* - Dependent Function Types (Pi Types): Generalizations of function types where the
* return type depends on the input value.
* - Lambda Abstractions: Anonymous functions defined by specifying parameters and body.
* - Universes: A hierarchy of types (e.g., `Type(0)`, `Type(1)`, etc.).
* This implementation models core constructs of MLTT, including terms, values, environments,
* evaluation, type inference, and normalization.
* Extracts the value from an `Option[A]`. Throws an error if the option is `None`.
* @param <A> Type of the value.
* @param option The `Option` instance.
* @return The extracted value of type `A`.
type Option[A: 'Type] = inductive {
None // Represents the absence of a value.
Some(A) // Wraps a value of type A.
* Extracts the value from an `Option[A]`. Throws an error if the option is `None`.
* @param <A> Type of the value.
* @param option The `Option` instance.
* @return The extracted value of type `A`.
def unwrap[A: 'Type](option: Option[A]): A = match option {
case Option[A]::None => panic("Unwrapping a none option type")
case Option[A]::Some(value) => value
* `Term` represents the syntax of expressions in MLTT. Each constructor corresponds
* to a syntactic category.
type Term = inductive {
// Variable: Represents a variable identified by its name.
// Universe Level: Represents types at a certain universe level.
// Dependent Pi Type: `Π(x : A). B`, where `B` may depend on `x`.
Pi(String, Term, Term)
// Lambda Term: `λ(x : A). t`.
Lambda(String, Term, Term)
// Application: Applying a function to an argument.
Apply(Term, Term)
// Sigma Type: `Σ(x : A). B`, a dependent pair type.
Sigma(String, Term, Term)
// Pair Term: `(a, b)`.
Pair(Term, Term)
// Projection: Extracting the first or second element of a pair.
Proj(Projection, Term)
type Projection = inductive {
Fst; Snd
* `Value` represents the evaluated form of terms, reducing to values during evaluation.
type Value = inductive {
// Neutral Value: A value that cannot be reduced further
// Universe Level: A type at a specific universe level.
// Lambda Function: A function value with its parameter type and body.
Lambda(Value, Value -> Value)
// Pi Type Value: Represents a dependent function type.
Pi(Value, Value -> Value)
// Sigma Type Value: Represents a dependent pair type.
Sigma(Value, Value -> Value)
// Pair Value: A pair of values.
Pair(Value, Value)
* Types are represented as values within this implementation.
type Type = Value
// **Neutral Values**
* `NeutralValue` represents expressions that cannot be evaluated further due to
* the absence of sufficient information (e.g., variables or applications of variables).
type NeutralValue = inductive {
// Variable: A neutral value representing an unresolved variable.
// Application: Applying a neutral function to a value.
Apply(NeutralValue, Value)
// Projection: Extracting the first or second element of a pair.
Proj(Projection, NeutralValue)
* Converts a `NeutralValue` into a `Value`.
* @param neutral The `NeutralValue` to convert.
* @return The resulting `Value`.
def toValue(neutral: NeutralValue): Value = Value::Neutral(neutral)
* `TypedValue` pairs a value with its type, essential for type checking and
* ensuring type safety during evaluation.
type TypedValue = record {
value: Value // The evaluated value.
ty: Type // The type of the value.
* `Env` represents the typing context, mapping variable names to their corresponding typed values.
type Env = inductive {
Cons(String, TypedValue, Env)
* Adds a new binding to the environment.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param name The variable name.
* @param value The value to bind.
* @param ty The type of the value.
* @return A new environment with the added binding.
def add(env: Env, name: String, value: Value, ty: Type): Env = {
let typedValue = TypedValue '{
value = value // The value associated with the name.
ty = ty // The type of the value.
Env::Cons(name, typedValue, env)
* Adds a variable to the environment as a neutral value, commonly used when introducing parameters.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param ident The identifier of the variable.
* @param ty The type of the variable.
* @return A new environment with the variable added as a neutral value.
def addVar(env: Env, ident: String, ty: Type): Env = {
env.add(ident, NeutralValue::Var(ident).toValue, ty)
* Retrieves a binding from the environment by name.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param name The name of the variable to retrieve.
* @return An `Option` of `TypedValue` containing the variable's type if found, or `None` if not found.
def get(env: Env, name: String): Option[TypedValue] = {
match env {
case Env::Empty => Option[TypedValue]::None // Name not found.
case Env::Cons(name', value, env') => {
if name' == name then Option[TypedValue]::Some(value)
else env'.get(name) // Search in the rest of the environment.
* Checks if a name exists in the environment.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param name The name to check for.
* @return `true` if the name exists in the environment, `false` otherwise.
def contains(env: Env, name: String): Bool = match env {
case Env::Empty => false // Name not found.
case Env::Cons(name', _, env') => name' == name || env'.contains(name) // Found or continue searching.
* Generates a fresh identifier not present in the environment, used to avoid variable capture during substitution.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param cnt The starting count for generating identifiers.
* @return A fresh identifier not currently in the environment.
def freshIdentFrom(env: Env, cnt: Int): String = {
let ident = "$" ++ cnt.toString // Generates identifiers like `$0`, `$1`, etc.
if !env.contains(ident) then ident // If not in the environment, it's fresh.
else env.freshIdentFrom(cnt + 1) // Try the next identifier.
* Generates a fresh identifier starting from `$0`.
* @param env The current environment.
* @return A fresh identifier.
def freshIdent(env: Env): String = env.freshIdentFrom(0)
* Evaluates a `Term` in a given environment to produce a `Value`.
* Evaluation proceeds by pattern matching on the term's structure.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param expr The `Term` to evaluate.
* @return The evaluated `Value`.
def evaluate(env: Env, expr: Term): Value = match expr {
// Look up the variable's value.
case Term::Var(name) => env.get(name).unwrap[TypedValue].value
// A type evaluates to itself.
case Term::Type(univ) => Value::Type(univ)
// Lambda Evaluation: Constructs a closure capturing the environment and parameter.
case Term::Lambda(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, bodyTerm) => {
let paramType = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm) // Evaluate parameter type.
let closure = (arg: Value) => {
// Evaluate the body with the argument bound.
env.add(paramIdent, arg, paramType).evaluate(bodyTerm)
Value::Lambda(paramType, closure)
// Pi Type Evaluation: Similar to lambda
case Term::Pi(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, codomainTerm) => {
let paramType = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm) // Evaluate parameter type.
let closure = (arg: Value) => {
// Evaluate codomain with argument bound.
env.add(paramIdent, arg, paramType).evaluate(codomainTerm)
Value::Pi(paramType, closure)
// Sigma Type Evaluation: Similar to lambda
case Term::Sigma(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, codomainTerm) => {
let paramType = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm) // Evaluate parameter type.
let closure = (arg: Value) => {
// Evaluate codomain with argument bound.
env.add(paramIdent, arg, paramType).evaluate(codomainTerm)
Value::Sigma(paramType, closure)
// Function Application Evaluation
case Term::Apply(fn, arg) => match env.evaluate(fn) {
// Apply function to the argument.
case Value::Lambda(_, fn) => fn(env.evaluate(arg))
// Neutral Application: Cannot reduce further; keep it a neutral value.
case Value::Neutral(neutral) => NeutralValue::Apply(neutral, env.evaluate(arg)).toValue
case _ => panic("Invalid type: not a function")
// Pair Construction
case Term::Pair(fst, snd) => Value::Pair(env.evaluate(fst), env.evaluate(snd))
// Pair Projection
case Term::Proj(proj, pair) => match env.evaluate(pair) {
case Value::Pair(fst, snd) => match proj {
case Projection::Fst => fst
case Projection::Snd => snd
case Value::Neutral(neutral) => NeutralValue::Proj(proj, neutral).toValue
case _ => panic("Invalid type: not a pair")
* Converts a `NeutralValue` back into a `Term`, used during normalization to reconstruct
* terms from evaluated values.
* @param neutral The `NeutralValue` to convert.
* @param env The current environment.
* @return The reconstructed `Term`.
def readBack(neutral: NeutralValue, env: Env): Term = match neutral {
// Convert variable to term.
case NeutralValue::Var(name) => Term::Var(name)
// Reconstruct application.
case NeutralValue::Apply(fn, arg) => Term::Apply(fn.readBack(env), arg.readBack(env))
// Reconstruct projection.
case NeutralValue::Proj(proj, neutral) => Term::Proj(proj, neutral.readBack(env))
* Converts a `Value` back into a `Term`, effectively normalizing the term by reducing it to its simplest form.
* @param value The `Value` to convert.
* @param env The current environment.
* @return The normalized `Term`.
def readBack(value: Value, env: Env): Term = match value {
case Value::Neutral(neutral) => neutral.readBack(env)
case Value::Type(univ) => Term::Type(univ)
case Value::Pair(fst, snd) => Term::Pair(fst.readBack(env), snd.readBack(env))
// Lambda Normalization: Generate a fresh variable to avoid capture.
case Value::Lambda(paramType, fn) => {
let paramIdent: String = env.freshIdent
// Normalize parameter type.
let paramTypeTerm = paramType.readBack(env)
// Create variable value.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
// Extend environment.
let updatedEnv = env.add(paramIdent, variable, env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm))
paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, // Construct lambda term.
fn(variable).readBack(updatedEnv) // Normalize the body.
// Pi Type Normalization: Similar to lambda normalization.
case Value::Pi(paramType, fn) => {
// Fresh parameter name.
let paramIdent: String = env.freshIdent
// Normalize parameter type.
let paramTypeTerm = paramType.readBack(env)
// Create variable value.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
// Extend environment.
let updatedEnv = env.add(paramIdent, variable, env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm))
paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, // Construct Pi type term.
fn(variable).readBack(updatedEnv) // Normalize the codomain.
// Sigma Type Normalization: Similar to lambda normalization.
case Value::Sigma(paramType, fn) => {
// Fresh parameter name.
let paramIdent: String = env.freshIdent
// Normalize parameter type.
let paramTypeTerm = paramType.readBack(env)
// Create variable value.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
// Extend environment.
let updatedEnv = env.add(paramIdent, variable, env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm))
paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, // Construct Sigma type term.
fn(variable).readBack(updatedEnv) // Normalize the codomain.
* Retrieves the universe level from a `Type` value.
* Universe levels are critical in MLTT to maintain consistency and avoid paradoxes.
* @param ty The `Type` value.
* @return The universe level as an `Int`.
def universeLevel(ty: Type): Int = match ty {
case Value::Type(univ) => univ // Extract universe level.
case _ => panic("Failed to unwrap universe level: not a type") // Panic if not a type.
* Infers the type of a `Term` within a given environment following MLTT's typing rules.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param expr The `Term` whose type is inferred.
* @return The inferred type as a `Value`.
def infer(env: Env, expr: Term): Value = match expr {
// Retrieve the variable's type from the environment.
case Term::Var(name) => env.get(name).unwrap[TypedValue].ty
// `Type(n)` has type `Type(n + 1)`.
case Term::Type(univ) => Value::Type(univ + 1)
// Lambda Type Inference:
case Term::Lambda(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, bodyTerm) => {
// Infer parameter type's universe level.
let paramLevel = env.infer(paramTypeTerm).universeLevel
// Evaluate parameter type.
let paramType: Type = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm)
// Create variable for parameter.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
// Extend environment with parameter.
let bodyEnv = env.add(paramIdent, variable, paramType)
// Infer body's type.
let returnType: Type = bodyEnv.infer(bodyTerm)
// The lambda's type is a Pi type from parameter to return type.
(arg: Value) => {
// Infer argument's type.
let argType = env.infer(arg.readBack(bodyEnv))
// Evaluate the body.
bodyEnv.add(paramIdent, arg, argType).evaluate(bodyTerm)
// Pair Type Inference:
case Term::Pair(fst, snd) => {
// Infer the type of the first element.
let fstType: Type = env.infer(fst)
// Infer the type of the second element.
let sndType: Type = env.infer(snd)
// The pair type is a Sigma type of the two elements.
Value::Sigma(fstType, (fstValue: Value) => {
Value::Sigma(sndType, (sndValue: Value) => Value::Pair(fstValue, sndValue))
// Pi Type Inference:
case Term::Pi(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, returnTypeTerm) => {
// Infer parameter type's universe level.
let paramLevel = env.infer(paramTypeTerm).universeLevel
// Evaluate parameter type.
let paramType: Type = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm)
// Create variable for parameter.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
let returnTypeLevel = env.add(paramIdent, variable, paramType).infer(returnTypeTerm).universeLevel
// The Pi type's universe level is the maximum of parameter and return types.
Value::Type(max paramLevel returnTypeLevel)
// Sigma Type Inference:
case Term::Sigma(paramIdent, paramTypeTerm, codomainTerm) => {
// Infer parameter type's universe level.
let paramLevel = env.infer(paramTypeTerm).universeLevel
// Evaluate parameter type.
let paramType: Type = env.evaluate(paramTypeTerm)
// Create variable for parameter.
let variable: Value = NeutralValue::Var(paramIdent).toValue
let rhsTypeLevel = env.add(paramIdent, variable, paramType).infer(codomainTerm).universeLevel
// The sigma type's universe level is the maximum of lhs and rhs types.
Value::Type(max paramLevel rhsTypeLevel)
* Normalizes a `Term` by evaluating it and converting the result back into a term.
* Normalization is essential for comparing terms for equality and ensuring consistent behavior.
* @param env The current environment.
* @param expr The `Term` to normalize.
* @return The normalized `Term`.
def normalize(env: Env, expr: Term): Term = env.evaluate(expr).readBack(env)
def pretty(expr: Term): String = match expr {
case Term::Var(name) => name
case Term::Type(univ) => "Type(" ++ univ.toString ++ ")"
case Term::Lambda(paramIdent, paramType, body) =>
"λ(" ++ paramIdent ++ " : " ++ paramType.pretty ++ "). " ++ body.pretty
case Term::Apply(fn, arg) => "(" ++ fn.prettyAtom ++ " " ++ arg.prettyAtom ++ ")"
case Term::Pi(paramIdent, paramType, returnType) =>
"Π(" ++ paramIdent ++ " : " ++ paramType.pretty ++ "). " ++ returnType.pretty
case Term::Sigma(paramIdent, paramType, codomain) =>
"Σ(" ++ paramIdent ++ " : " ++ paramType.pretty ++ "). " ++ codomain.pretty
case Term::Pair(fst, snd) => "(" ++ fst.pretty ++ ", " ++ snd.pretty ++ ")"
case Term::Proj(Projection::Fst, pair) => "fst " ++ pair.pretty
def prettyAtom(expr: Term): String = match expr {
case Term::Var(name) => name
case Term::Type(_) => expr.pretty
case Term::Lambda(_, _, _) => "(" ++ expr.pretty ++ ")"
case Term::Apply(_, _) => "(" ++ expr.pretty ++ ")"
case Term::Pi(_, _, _) => "(" ++ expr.pretty ++ ")"
case Term::Sigma(_, _, _) => "(" ++ expr.pretty ++ ")"
case Term::Pair(_, _) => expr.pretty
case Term::Proj(_, _) => "(" ++ expr.pretty ++ ")"
def var(ident: String): Value = NeutralValue::Var(ident).toValue
def prelude: Env = Env::Empty
.addVar("Any", Value::Type(0))
.addVar("Nothing", Value::Type(0))
.addVar("Bool", Value::Type(0))
.addVar("true", var("Bool"))
.addVar("false", var("Bool"))
.addVar("Nat", Value::Type(0))
.addVar("zero", var("Nat"))
.addVar("succ", Value::Pi(var("Nat"), (n: Value) => var("Nat")))
eval "\nBeta-reduction: (λx. t) v -> t[x := v] Case 1: x[x := N] = N"
eval {
let term: Term = Term::Apply(
Term::Lambda("x", Term::Var("Bool"), Term::Var("x")),
term.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(term).pretty
eval "\nBeta-reduction: (λx. t) v -> t[x := v] Case 2: y[x := N] = y, if x ≠ y"
eval {
let term: Term = Term::Apply(
"x", Term::Var("Bool"),
Term::Lambda("y", Term::Var("Bool"), Term::Var("y"))
term.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(term).pretty
eval "\nHigher-order function:"
eval {
let term = Term::Apply(
Term::Lambda("f", Term::Pi("x", Term::Var("Bool"), Term::Var("Bool")),
Term::Apply(Term::Var("f"), Term::Var("true"))
Term::Lambda("x", Term::Var("Bool"), Term::Var("x"))
term.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(term).pretty
eval "\nAlpha-conversion: λx. t -> λy. t[x := y] -- no name collision"
eval {
let term = Term::Pi("A", Term::Type(0),
Term::Lambda("x", Term::Var("A"), Term::Var("x"))
term.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(term).pretty
eval "\nSigma type - elimination"
eval {
let term = Term::Apply(
Term::Lambda("p", Term::Sigma("A", Term::Var("Bool"), Term::Var("A")),
Term::Proj(Projection::Fst, Term::Var("p"))
Term::Pair(Term::Var("true"), Term::Var("false"))
term.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(term).pretty
eval "\nChurch numeral 0:"
eval {
let zero = Term::Lambda("f", Term::Pi("x", Term::Var("Any"), Term::Var("Any")),
Term::Lambda("x", Term::Var("Any"), Term::Var("x"))
zero.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(zero).pretty
eval "\nChurch numeral 1:"
eval {
let one = Term::Lambda("f", Term::Pi("x", Term::Var("Any"), Term::Var("Any")),
Term::Lambda("x", Term::Var("Any"), Term::Apply(Term::Var("f"), Term::Var("x")))
one.pretty ++ " ≡ " ++ prelude.normalize(one).pretty